teampool Award for Bachelor's Thesis
2 minutes read - 258 wordsThe personnel service provider teampool is awarding three prizes of 1,000 EUR each for outstanding Bachelor’s theses in Computer Science. Eligible to participate are all students who presented their work in the “Bachelor Project” course as part of the Bachelor’s program in Computer Science during the 2023/24 academic year.
Awarding for 2024/25 completed – new dates to follow.
Application documents:
- Registration form with a summary of the Bachelor’s thesis (please use the LaTeX template)
- Bachelor’s thesis
- Presentation slides from the Bachelor Project
- Proof of academic achievement (including recognized credits, weighted by ECTS credits)
- Optionally, the supervisor may submit a recommendation for the award. The informal recommendation letter will be sent directly to the jury by the supervisor (via email to Elisabeth Riedl).
Applications should be submitted via email to
- Subject: teampool Award for Bachelor’s Theses
- Please name the attachments as follows: lastname-application.pdf, lastname-thesis.pdf, lastname-presentation.pdf, lastname-academicachievement.pdf
Evaluation: The evaluation will be conducted by a jury of several professors in the relevant field. The primary criterion for evaluation is the quality of the Bachelor’s thesis. Previous academic achievement will be used as a tiebreaker if necessary.
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